Friday, February 9, 2007


Blogging is a great way to share information across the web. The blog I viewed discussed why woodwind instruments are called woodwind instruments and how they fit in to their specific category. I like the fact that the blog had many useful bits of information, explaining why the saxophone, flute, and clarinet belong to the woodwind family. The blog provided a number of links to go to that helped me learn more about the content of the blog. I disliked some of the information because it was incorrect. The blog did not discuss the actual reason why a saxophone is a woodwind instrument. The reason simply, because it uses a reed to produce the sound. Other than that one error, it is a great way to self-educate.

1 comment:

Karen Robinson said...

I enjoyed checking out this blog. My three oldest children are very into music. Brooke, who is eleven, plays the clarinet, and she has been reading over my shoulder, commenting aloud.

Going back through the links to the other topics I found many that interested me.

I can see how it is easy to get lost in the world of blogging - there is always more to read, at least in an established blog.