Sunday, September 23, 2007

Blogs for Teachers

Written by Jonathan Orr

Blogs for teachers. Again a shameless self promotion, but you can check out my Anatomy and Physiology Blog portal. What makes a blog portal different than a blog. A blog portal is a website that allows me to host individual blogs for all of my students, instead of all of us sharing one blog. The company I used to create my portal is 21publish. It is here that my students reflect about what they have been learning and reading in anatomy and physiology. It has become a very productive learning environment with multiple comments occurring. In my opinion if you want to get students to read, make them publish their thoughts on a blog. Then they must link to the sites where they are getting their ideas, and they cannot write intelligently about the sites until they have read them.

Now I am looking down my RSS feeds in Google Reader, what do I share??? Here is a list of blogs I read about technology in education.

I recommend any of these sites to teachers and administrators.

Just for fun:

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