Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Welcome to Art Room 161

This site is done by an AP high school class. I think the teacher has the same idea that I had already thought about; technology can be used to allow art students to reflect on what they have created, as well as a way of explain their process of creating. The teacher has the students post an image of their artwork as well as a "tag" or comment about the work. The comment can be a reflection about the work or an explanation about the work. The teacher also allows students to make comments about other students work. This way, students become the teacher, helping each other to improve their work. Students also are afforded multiple feedback, rather than being dependent on the teachers' viewpoint.
As art teachers we often times neglect the area of assessment or reflection in exchange for sheer lack of time and the ever pressing need to have our students produce artwork so that we can illustrate to others that we are teaching our students. However, in falling into the trap of expectations from other teachers and administrators, we do a dis-service to our students. We don't give them time to internalize what they have done or express to others the what or the why they have created a particular work of art. The teacher that has created this blog has afforded his students the opportunity to share their thought process. This sharing of ideas allows the view of the artwork to understand that art goes far beyond a visual image. It illustrates thought!

The author of the site might want to consider making the site a bit more eye appealing consider it is a site that artists will navigate to.

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