Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Posting vlogs in this blog

Echo asked how to post her vodcast to this blog.
Please note -- the movie in this post is a just a sample used in my digital media class.

So here's how:
First of all, you have to have your movie clip online. (I don't think you can upload it directly to this blog -- but I haven't tried that hard, so maybe I am wrong.)

1. IF your vodcast is not online, then you need to use a host like http://www.podcastspot.com, or your own web space to store it online.

2. IF it is online, you can paste in the link when you are posting to this blog. Paste it into the link section of the blog post. It will open in a new browser window though.

3. To include it in the body of the post or in a comment you must embed it. So you need a little more HTML -- don't worry it's pretty much as easy as the hyperlink code. The colors are just to help you see the different parts of the code -- you don't type it in colors! ;-)

OK, what's all this geeky stuff?
a) the embed tag tells the browser to embed the movie within the webpage.
b) src sets the online location (URL) of your movie. My movie is online and the URL is http://www.carminka.net/7010/dm1imovie.mov
c) width & height set the media player size to be, in this case, 250 x 250 pixels.
d) autoplay sets whether or not the movie will play as soon as the page loads. I set it to false, so that you have to click the play button, otherwise it would start automagically. If you want it to autoplay -- I'll bet you know what to change!

Get it? So you have type a line of 'embed' HTML code that specifies your movie, to make your movie play in the page like this:

I hope this is clear... If not just ask questions!

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