Sunday, September 30, 2007

5th Grade Weather Lesson Plan

Here is the lesson plan I created. I apologize for it saying that a guest created it. I truly created it and then realized I hadn't logged in so it only shows me editing it. I have the notes to prove it if you want me to scan them and e-mail to you. I apologize again as this is the first time I have ever created anything using a wiki. You can click on the title or the link to access it:


angelle blaske said...

I enjoyed reading your lesson plan on weather. Is this a final unit porduct instead of a wriiten assessment? Will you post these to the Internet on a class page? I do a lot of project based teaching and learning. I often use student work from one year to the next for students to evaluate the breadth of knowledge. If the student prduct is excelelnt, it provides a great source for previewing the content for ESOL and SPED students. You had an excellent idea to have a fully inclusive project.

Patty said...

It is not a final unit product although it could be considered one of 3 culmuniting activities. My students will also record weather data for two weeks and create graphs. Then they will plan their Spring Vacation to somewhere in the world based on the weather. I created a WebQuest for weather last year and this is just one lesson from that.