Sunday, September 30, 2007

Arbor Heights Elementary School

I searched everywhere for an elementary school level wiki. Quite frankly there wasn't much out there. Most of the educational wiki's were for high school level students and technology classes in middle and high school. I was hoping to find a wiki that relates to the subjects that I teach which are math and science. I did find some algebra wikis but they were a little too high level for my fifth graders. One wiki that I did find was from an elementary school in Seattle Washington.
It wasn't really used for students yet although students do participate in classroom blogs. It appears that this wiki replaces a school web page. I was drawn to it by the comments from one of the staff members at the school who is hoping they don't adopt Everyday Math or Investigations in their school. What a great way to debate that topic! Here is the link to his comments: . A wiki would be a great way to have students collaborate on a project. The only problem is if one of the students edits another when it is excellent work and makes it not so excellent anymore.

1 comment:

Carmin said...

You are right about editing excellent work in such a way that it is less than excellent after the edits. That could be a problem. However you can see the edit history and easily see the work that was excellent and who did the excellent work. You can also see who edited it and made it less than excellent. Perhaps discussing the 2 versions of the work create a learning opp for the student(s), rather than a problem in the wiki.