Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Wikiteach Lesson Plan and Lesson Plan Edit

I chose to edit a lesson plan that I believe was done by someone from this class or a class just like this one. It was a lesson plan for a DV tool kit. My contribution was a presentation of the chosen bookmarks and rationale for those bookmarks to the class. I also added a portion to the evaluation in which students would be graded on the presentation and participation in regards to feedback and comments.

Here is my lesson plan for incorporating social tagging. I developed my lesson plan around fourth grade science and the curriculum concerning space.

1 comment:

Bobby Butler said...

Hey, Angela, I enjoyed reading your lesson plan. I wish I would have had this last year when I taught fourth grade! I enjoyed the way you incorporated the jigsaw method of instruction buy having students break apart then come together to relay information. I'm sure there are plenty of wonderful space images on Flickr and Del.icio.us sites as well to really enhance the space concepts.